vrijdag 25 januari 2013

Friday Favourites

One of my dreams is to one day own a superhero themed dress myself. But right now I can only admire the creations of other people, like the dresses of the lovely lady of Cation Designs.

Makes me wish I could do embroidery or basically just do anything with a needle (I can't sew to save my life).

Some Do It Yourselves that I like a lot. I'm certainly going to make a lot of jewelry in that style once I get all the materials.

(via buzzfeed)

I told myself that I was going to start making more warm meals instead of always desserts/breakfast, so why not start with one of these.

(via welovefine)

I love Gravity Falls but 25 dollars is a bit too much for me for a t-shirt. Maybe one day!

And that's it for today folks! It's actually already Saturday here in Belgium because for some reason I thought it was Thursday instead of Friday. Whoops?

donderdag 24 januari 2013

Paws In The Snow

It snowed in Belgium earlier this week and because of the freezing cold there's still snow lying around everywhere, like in our garden for example! We now have a nice collection of bird and cat paws in our backyard.

woensdag 23 januari 2013

What I Made and Ate: Chicken Salad

Earlier this week I asked my dad to buy some tomatoes and eggplants for me. I wasn't sure yet about what I was going to make with them, but usually I come up with something. But yesterday I had a nice idea. We also had some chicken in the freezer and some leftover mushrooms and watercress from when my dad made vol-au-vent. So why not make a salad with them?

I grilled the chicken, tomatoes and eggplant. Baked the mushrooms. And then added some salad and watercress, et voila I had my lunch for today.

maandag 21 januari 2013

Happy Memories Book

I present you guys a collage of my Happy Memories Book. Often when you're sad you can't recall any of the good things that have ever happened to you and with this book I want to make remembering easier. I'm also quite forgetful sometimes so this will also come handy in multiple ways.

I only added the stickers on the front today since I thought that the solid black was quite bland, but it's still a work under construction. The title of the book 'The Feminist Agenda' is mostly and inside joke and next to it there's a sample of the first page of the book.

Now I need to go get ready to go to someone's birthday party, so everyone have a happy Monday (or what still remains of it)!

vrijdag 18 januari 2013

Friday Favourites

( via DinaFragola )

My friend and I are planning on getting our ears stretched after exams, but I've already been browsing the internet for some original plugs. Can't wait to buy some cute ones like these bats to try out.

( via Modcloth )

I've had my eye on this dress for quite some time now and had hoped that it might get a reduction during the sales, but alas! All I can do is dream about it now.

I saw these pictures on tumblr without a source and I immediately did a reverse image search and there we go! I just think this photo series is brilliant.

That's it for now! The next Friday Favourites post will probably be a bit bigger since I'll have more time to collect things to show off to you guys. But yeah, have a happy Friday!

donderdag 17 januari 2013

Hello world!

First things first, you're probably trying to figure out or wondering what my blog title 'Pittoresk Propje' means. It's made up of two Dutch words, the last one being my college nickname and I chose 'pittoresk' because it's a nice and fancy word, haha. It can be loosely translated to picturesque crumpled paper, because propje basically means crumpled paper. Yes I know it sounds weird but it's not my fault that English doesn't have a word for it!

But back to blogging business. My name is Naomi and I am a nineteen years old girl who lives and studies in Antwerp, Belgium. I am currently studying Applied Linguistics: English and Chinese so you can except some posts about language related things here. I was inspired to make my own blog by all the other wonderful blogs that I have been reading for a while now and I aspire to achieve the same kind of wonderfulness they have!

Here you will find my thrifty and fashion finds, my attempts at baking and cooking, geeking over comics, movies and books and last but not least me documenting my very (non) adventurous life. I will probably also post some blog classics like Friday Favourites and might even start my own blog classics. But that's something for the future.

And now dear visitor, I bid you farewell and 'till next time!